Quarantine: Day 12
We did little shopping runs, and it was a production. We pick up supplies (beer, cheese, beets, mustard, meat). Everything is limited to max- 2 per household to keep the hoarding to a relative minimum. Apparently you have to line up at 6 am outside of Target if you want to get toilet paper. We’ll be fine for the next few weeks, but it’s like a weird Soviet era, but where only luxury items are available. People are doing a run on beef like they’re feeding a house full of tigers. Still, you can buy all of the apple berry body spray and strawberry frosting you want. We come home, stage our groceries on the back porch, wipe everything down, disrobe, and do a whole song dance to keep contamination off of us. It almost seems futile. Almost.
The President has come out to say that we’re going to symbolically resurrect the economy by ending the shelter-in-place orders by Easter, which is completely arbitrary and will likely get more front line workers killed. I’ve watched videos of hospitals in Wuhan and it’s absurd that we haven’t taken greater care to prepare our population for an influx of death and trauma. The halls of the hospitals there were packed like a subway station. There are bodies laying on the floors with sheets over them, beds in the halls, family waiting like sardines, videos of doctors wailing out of stress. The videos are from the end of January. It is our turn next.
kills every tenant in his buildings.
Governors are making decisions without Federal support, like we’re all independent states. I’m grateful for their leadership, regardless of party and regardless of people’s political and personal flaws. It’s stabilizing to have someone take this seriously and give a shit.
I don’t think enough of the population realizes how bad this is going to get. I don’t think we can wrap our heads around it. I don’t think we want to.